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Hughes 9250 Vehicular BGAN Satellite Internet Terminal



Prezzo: 14.726,31 EUR +IVA

The Hughes 9250 allows you to send and receive IP packet data via Ethernet and WLAN interfaces in a land-vehicular application. Ideal for emergency responders, reporters, and mobile workers who need reliable, high-speed connectivity on the move. The Hughes 9250 offers simultaneous voice and up to 492 kbps data on the move, and it includes a WLAN access point for upto 10 connections. Imagine connecting at IP broadband rates of up to 492 kbps (depending on look angle) transmit and receive while on the move—with a complete mobile communications package that includes an IP broadband satellite IP modem and tracking antenna. That’s exactly what comes with the breakthrough Hughes 9250 mobile satellite terminal. How it works. The Hughes 9250 allows you to send and receive IP packet data via Ethernet and WLAN interfaces in a land-vehicular application. In parallel with the packet data services, the same terminal supports a circuit switched voice call or a 64kbps ISDN data call.The Hughes terminal controls the tracking antenna through the Antenna Control Unit (ACU). This small interface box modulates control signals from the terminal onto the RF link between the terminal and the antenna. All components are powered by a single power supply that plugs into a vehicular 12V power source. The Hughes 9250 is easy to install on any vehicle—the compact tracking antenna is packaged with a magnetic roof mount and a single cable connection. Ideal for emergency responders, reporters, and mobile workers who need reliable, high-speed connectivity on the move. Collaborate with staff back at headquarters using video, voice, and data simultaneously. Create a wireless hotspot for team members on the scene using the built-in WiFi Access Point. The Hughes 9250 is IP-compatible and offers selectable, dedicated Quality of Service levels. Product Features -Fully autonomous tracking antenna acquires and tracks the BGAN satellite signal while on the move -Easy antenna installation (magnetic mount) on vehicle roof -Includes antenna control unit and all cables and power supplies for vehicular installation -Up to 492 kbps shared data rate and 256 kbps streaming IP data rate -Auto context activation feature allows PDP contexts to be activated without user action -Internal web MMI for configuration and control without the use of LaunchPad -Web MMI is accessible via Wi-Fi enabled PDAs, Blackberrys, and iPhones -ISDN bearer capabilities: speech (4 kbps), 3.1 k audio (64 kbps), ISDN data (64 kbps) -Allows simultaneous use of all interfaces (Ethernet, ISDN, and WLAN) -WLAN access point -Multi-user capability (up to 11 simultaneous sessions) -Selectable Quality of Service (32 kbps, 64 kbps, or 128 kbps)

Cosa include la confezione:
Hughes 9250 Vehicular BGAN Satellite Internet Terminal
Prezzo: 14.726,31 EUR +IVA
EUR 17671.57 (IVA inclusa)
(USD 15900.00)

* E' BENE CHIEDERE UN PREVENTIVO quando dovete abbinare prodotti particolari come un antenna ed il cavo, noi vi possiamo suggerire il cavo corretto per connettere il vostro telefono o la dock all'antenna scelta o aiutarvi a scegliere il prodotto migliore per le vostre esigenze.

Caratteristiche tecniche:
  • -Terminal Weight: 2.8 Kg (terminal with battery)
  • Terminal Dimensions: 275 mm x 345 mm x 50 mm
  • Humidity: 95% RH at +40° C
  • Temperature: -25° C to +60° C operating -25° C to +60° C storage (w/ battery)
  • Power: Idle: 20 W -Max: 100 W (when transmitting)
  • Antenna Weight: 5.5 Kg
  • Antenna Dimensions: ?477 mm x 153 mm
  • Humidity: 95% RH at +40° C
  • Temperature: -25° C to +55° C operating -25° C to +80° C survival
  • Wind: 125 mph (200 km/h), exception for Magnetic Mount:100 mph (160 km/h)
  • Water & Dust: IP-56 standard
  • Ice: 25 mm non-operational
  • Vehicle Motions: Turning Rate: 40°/s - Turning acceleration 50°/s^2
Produttore: Sito Web del Produttore:


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