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Versione 2 valido dal 01/04/0212

Activation - one off (Include SIM CARD and Activation Cost) USD 350.00
(EUR 317.35 *)
Annual Fee (12 months in advance) USD 135.00
(EUR 122.40 *)
Cash Deposit (It is for each single line activated and it will be paid back the month after the contract is closed) EUR 100.00
(EUR 100.00 *)
Contract Duration (Contract will automatically renew for the same period if is not Deactivated with 90 day in advance notice) 12 month
Included Bytes per month (if not used will be lost at the end of the month) 0 bytes

Calls to Landline Phones (of all the world)
Calls to Mobile Cellular Phones (of all the world)
Calls to Voicemail
SMS sent from your phone
SMS received on the phone
Data Calls per minute
Data calls per MB
Charge for 256 bits (32 bytes)
00:00 - 24:00
USD 0.26
(EUR 0.24*)
Charge per 1000 bytes
Calls made inside your region to Fixed Phones inside your region
Calls made inside your region to Fixed Phones outside your region
Calls made outside your region to any Fixed Phone
Calls made inside your region to Cellular Phones inside your region
Calls made inside your region to Cellular Phones outside your region
Calls made outside your region to any Cellular Phone
Data Calls per minute made inside your region
Data Calls per minute made outside your region
Data calls per MB made inside your region
Data calls per MB made outside your region
Data calls per MB in SOUTH AMERICA
Calls to Iridium
Calls to Thuraya
Calls to Inmarsat GSPS ISATPHONE - LINK
Calls to Inmarsat SPS
Calls to Inmarsat FleetBroadband
Calls to Inmarsat BGAN
Calls to Inmarsat Swiftbradband
Calls to Inmarsat B
Calls to Inmarsat M
Calls to Inmarsat MINI-M
Calls to Inmarsat GAN
Calls to Inmarsat FLEET
Calls to Inmarsat SWIFT
Calls to Inmarsat AERO
Calls to other Satellite Phones (excluding above)
RECEIVED Calls from +1 Access
RECEIVED Calls from Two stage dialing
Data Calls per minute steaming 8
Data Calls per minute steaming 16
Data Calls per minute steaming 24
Data Calls per minute steaming 32
Data Calls per minute steaming 64
Data Calls per minute steaming 128
Data Calls per minute steaming 176
Data Calls per minute steaming 256
Data Calls per minute X-STREAM


(Copertura e Caratteristiche)


Inmarsat è un sistema basato su una costellazione di satelliti geostazionari la cui copertura è mondiale, con la sola esclusione delle calotte polari in tutte le aree comprese tra il 76° parallelo Nord e Sud, come indicato graficamente nella cartina affianco.


INMARSAT C and MINI-C is the ideal and inexpensive solution for reliable messaging, tracking and security communication requirement for marittime vessels, it is a digital system based on a low-cost satellite terminal, providing two-way store-and-forward messaging, distress calling, EGC SafetyNET™ and FleetNET™, data reporting and polling. The system is approved for use under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and mandatory for Solas-compliant ships operating outside Navtex coverage areas.

Sim Card or Terminal Swap (in case of Damaged or lost/stolen SIM CARD or terminal) USD 30.00
(EUR 27.20 *)
SIM Card or Terminal SUSPENSION (automatically suspended for invoice non-payment or other reasons) USD 15.00
(EUR 13.60 *)
Reactivation of a perviously SUSPENDED SIM or Terminal USD 15.00
(EUR 13.60 *)
SIM Card or Terminal Deactivation (this cost will be charged when you close your contract) USD 15.00
(EUR 13.60 *)

* As reference all prices are converted in your Favourite currency (you can select your currency from the top menu), original prices are written first and prices expressed in your favourite currency are shown between parentheses. VAT is Excluded. On your invoice you will have exchange rate of the invoice period that may be different from today exchange rate. Now we show BCE Exchange rate of 06/10/2024


Gentile cliente,
il servizio fornito dalla Inmarsat PLC ha la copertura di tutto il pianeta escluso i poli; la copertura esatta è indicata nelle mappe di copertura disponibili sul sito.

Rimarrà sua cura informarsi presso le ambasciate in quali Paesi è stata ottenuta la licenza d'uso nelle relative acque territoriali.
Inmarsat non garantisce che si possa sempre stabilire una connessione da un determinato punto nel mondo ad una determinata ora.

About Geoborders

Geoborders is an independent Mobile Satellite Communications Provider established in 1995. It is now one of the leaders in different commercial sectors and have a wide variety of clients worldwide, including individual travellers, large corporations, aid agencies, shipping companies, government departments and the military.

Geoborders have HQ in London and distributes its product and services via wholesale and retail channels through its branches and partners.

For more information please contact GEOBORDERS:
Phone (Worldwide): +44.20.3051.3846
Fax (Worldwide): +44.330.684.0307
E-mail: activations@geoborders.com
Web Site: www.geoborders.com

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GEOBORDERS Satellite Ltd - 1B Labton Road, SW20 0LW London, UK - VAT number: GB 984488553
Sales and info Email: sales@geoborders.com - Support Email: support@geoborders.com Call: 00-800-3333-6666